The following are six major types of elements to inspect on a webpage during a web audit. While auditing the HHT website, use the web department’s HHT style guide to double-check all potential issues.
- Report any spelling and grammatical errors.
- Check commonly misspelled terms
- Cal/OSHA (with a slash)
- OSHA-compliant (should be hyphenated)
- Train the Trainer (should always be capitalized)
- Headings should accurately capture the theme of the information that follows them.
- While we should always point out spelling and grammatical errors in titles and headings, we shouldn’t suggest extensive changes to the wording of titles and headings, since this can affect our SEO ranking.
- On pages that cite safety standards, make sure the names and codes for the standards are correct.
- You should check the standards against the official website for the relevant safety organization as well as our company course master list. Be sure to update the master list if you notice any discrepancies there.
Remember to be descriptive in your feedback, especially with more abstract issues like sentence structure and relevance.
- Make sure all colors match the ones in our Corporate Style Guide
- Double-check the hex codes of any colors that seem questionable. You can use the ColorPick extension to double-check color codes. It isn’t necessary to verify every color on every page. You should only take the time to check elements that have noticeably incorrect colors.
- Check links and buttons
- Report any broken links
- Report any links that direct the user to the wrong page
- Make sure all external links open in a new tab
- Make sure all internal links open in the same tab
- Link text should beindicative of the destination, but not too long
- Check link design
- All links and buttons should have the proper hover effect
- Check the colors and design of the buttons against the style guide
- Make sure there are no orange links
- Image optimization
- Look for low-res and low-quality images
- Report any images that are too large
- Pages should be easily readable on desktop, mobile, and tablet
- Elements should not break or be out of order on mobile and tablet
A good way to check the functionality of a web page is to view it in the Responsively App. Be sure to compare the mobile and desktop views and check for elements that function better in one than they do the other.
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