Case studies appear at the end of most video trainings. Essentially, they are opportunities to share real-life experiences that warn users of the hazards concerning certain machines.
Video case studies contain lots of cool effects, sounds, text, and voiceovers. Before you begin learning how to create these using the Hard Hat style, be sure you have watched a few case studies to have a better understanding of what we have talked about. Here is the file path for the Front End Loader training. Scroll to the end to find the case studies.
M: > 05- Company Use > Final Exports > Videos > Full Size Trainings > Voice Overs > Front End Loader
Once you have seen an example, go to the following file path and open the case study After Effects template named "Full-Size Case Studies TEMPLATE v.3"
M: > 02-Frequent Use > Videos > Case Studies
Once you have opened this file in After Effects, you will see several compositions, or layer clusters, that need to be edited to fit your specific training.
- Yellow comps folder - Import all of your photos and videos for the project.
- Green comps folder - Edit the text
Adding Photos & Videos
Note: After importing the photos and videos, use the Photo and Video folder to help you organize your pictures and footage. |
You will need to replace the template pictures and footage with the new footage and pictures specific to the training topic that you have imported. To do this you will need to:
- Select the file you wish to replace
- Hold ALT
- Drag the new video clip over the old one to replace
This allows you to swap the footage without changing the effects or settings.
Editing Text
Each textbox is disbursed throughout the different text layers. To distinguish between each case study, you will see different heading numbers. For example, h1 is the first case study title, while h2 is the start of the second case study.
For every heading and case study, the text should be different. If you have the text written out beforehand or are typing exactly what the audio says add it into the different layers in the correct order.
Once you have switched out all the text, you can then export each frame of the animation. Once each frame is exported, you can compile and layer them once again once you have uploaded them into Premiere Pro.
To create a seamless transition between each video, make sure the pieces are arranged in this order:
- Disclaimer
- Comp 2
- Comp 3
- Transition to Pause & What Went Wrong Title 2
- Comp 5
- Transition From_001 – Transition From_005 (any of the five will work, just slightly different SFX)
- Repeat steps 2-6 until all the case study scenarios are complete.
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